Test Suites contain all the tests a QA team runs through every time they want to test and/or regress a product. 

Test suites contain feature and test cases.  

Features are a logical grouping of test cases. 

Test cases have a number of attributes associated to them: 

  • Preconditions: Preconditions document what is required to execute the test case (i.e. valid login, access to site, etc.).
  • Snippets: Snippets may be added to test case steps to simplify and standardize the contents of  fields across many test cases. Snippets are configured in Settings-->Test Case Snippets.
  • Test Case Steps: These are the documented steps to execute the test case. Generally speaking, this would include step-by-step instructions so that anybody, even with little knowledge, could read and execute the test.
  • Expected Result: This is what users expect the system to produce when the test case steps are executed.
  • Ghost Inspector Test - If the account has GI enabled, this field will display. Users can then map a GI automation test to the test case. When a test run is created, QADeputy automatically executes the automation test at GI and then reports back to the system to determine pass or fail.
  • RunScope Test- If the account has RS enabled, this field will display. Users can then map a RS automation test to the test case. When a test run is created, QADeputy automatically executes the automation test at RS and then reports back to the system to determine pass or fail.
  • Attachments: QADeputy users can upload one or many attachments to a test case. This is useful for specifications, additional testing criteria, test notes, etc.
  • Specifications: This is afree-form field for linking out to a requirements document. Generally, this is the original (or latest) requirements as it relates to a feature.
  • Time: This is the estimated time to perform the test. It is then later used in test runs to determine how much time is remaining to complete the test run.
  • Jira History: If the Jira integration is enabled, users can view the history of Jira bugs written against the test case.
  • Execution History: Execution history allows users to see the full execution history of the test case. This is useful to understand if individual test cases have a high degree of failure over time.