Admins and Managers can easily create new test features within their QA Deputy account, 

To Create a New Test Feature

1: Access Test Features Page

To access Test Features, Admins and Managers can either click on Products or Test Suites from the dashboard, or click Test Suites from the side navigation. All three options will bring you to the Test Suites landing page. 

2: Choose Applicable Test Suite

From the Test Suite page, find the applicable product and choose the test suite you wish to add a new feature to. 

3: Add Test Feature

Once the desired Test Suite page is open, scroll toward the middle of the screen and click on the Add Test Feature button located to the far right of the page. 

4: Create New Test Feature

A Create Test Feature screen will appear. Enter the requested information including test feature name, description and the desired position of the new test feature. To enter the position, use the left dropdown to determine placement (e.g., above or below) and the right dropdown to identify which current feature you wish the new feature to be located above or below. Click save. 

5: Confirm New Feature Addition

A pop up will appear in the bottom right corner indicating the test feature was successfully added. You can then find the new test feature as a line item within the Test Features block.