Admins and Managers can easily export Test Suites to a CSV file in QA Deputy.

To Export a Test Suite

1: Access Test Suite Page

Click on Test Suites from the dashboard, or you can also choose Test Suites from the side navigation. Both options will bring you to the Test Suites landing page. (Note: you may also access the Test Suites landing page from the Products page). 

2: Choose Test Suite

From the Test Suites landing page, find the applicable product and click on the test suite you wish to export. 

3: Expand Screen Options

Click on the three dots toward the top right of the screen (beneath the Back to Test Suites button). The dots will expand and display additional options. 

4: Export Test Suite

From the expanded display, click on the Export Test Suite option. 

5: Confirm Export of Test Suite

The chosen test suite will be exported as a CSV file and can be found in your downloads under the assigned test suite name.