QADeputy test tuns were designed to make the execution of test runs streamlined so that teams can focus on testing products rather than worrying about how to report progress of testing.

Once a test run for a test suite is created users will be presented with a list of test cases ready for execution:

To view the details of a test case in the test run, simply click on the test case and the details will expand.  Users are then presented with all the data associated with the test case, the ability to add a test result, and the ability to set a status for the test case.  

Note, the statuses available are driven by the default and custom statuses configured in the account (Settings-->Test Case Statuses).  Custom statuses that are setup as "Is Complete" will count toward the overall completion percentage that is calculated in the test run summary.

The test run summary also provides a breakdown of how many test cases each user has executed, any automation that was performed against the test run, and the time remaining for the test run to be completed.  The time remaining is based on the time associated with each test case.