Once you've enabled the Ghost Inspector integration you have the ability to map QADeputy test cases to Ghost Inspector tests and run them within QADeputy. When a Ghost Inspector test is executed from within QADeputy the result of the Ghost Inspector test will automatically be updated in your test run.
Map Ghost Inspector Test:
- Navigate to the test suite you want to map Ghost inspector tests to.
- Expand and click to edit a Test Case in the test suite.
- Click the '+' sign next to Ghost Inspector Test.
4. A dialog will be displayed that lists all the Ghost Inspector tests in your Ghost Inspector account. Search and select
the desired test to map.
5. Click Map Test Case.
6. Save the Test Case.
Execute Ghost Inspector Test(s):
Once Ghost Inspector tests are mapped to Test Cases, you can then execute the Ghost Inspector automation from within QADeputy Test Runs.
- Create a new Test Run for a Test Suite that has Ghost Inspector tests mapped (or leverage an existing Test Run).
- Execute Ghost Inspector automation in two ways:
- Execute Ghost Inspector Suite
- Open the utility cog in the upper right hand corner of the Test Run.
- Select Execute GI Suite.
- Next, all mapped tests within the Test Run will be ran against Ghost Inspector and the results will automatically post back to the Test Run.
- Ghost Inspector tests that Pass will update QADeputy with a Passed status.
- Ghost Inspector tests that Fail will update QADeputy with a Failed status.
- "Run Now" Individual Tests
- Individual mapped tests may be executed by clicking the "Run Now" button next to the Test Case status.
- When clicked the individual Ghost Inspector test will be executed and the results will automatically post back to the Test Run.
- Ghost Inspector tests that Pass will update QADeputy with a Passed status.
- Ghost Inspector tests that Fail will update QADeputy with a Failed status.
- Execute Ghost Inspector Suite