Test cases contain a wealth of information regarding your testing history.  QADeputy conveniently reports on test case history based on edit history, execution history, and defect history.  When viewing a Test Case in a Test Suite or in a Test Run you may access this information by clicking on the "View History" button.

Test Case Edits:

Test Case Edits show all additions and edits to Test Cases within your QADeputy account.  The edit history will show who made the change, when the change was made, and what was actually changed.

Test Case Executions:

Test Case Executions shows a full history of test executions from within a test run.  The execution history will show who performed the execution, when the execution was performed, and the status of the execution.

Test Case Defects:

Test Case Defects show all defects that were logged against a test case.  The defect history will show the defect ticket ID, project name, summary of the defect, when the defect was created, and the current status of the defect.