Once you've enabled the Shortcut integration in QADeputy, creating and viewing Shortcut Stories is simple.

Create Shortcut Story

  1. Navigate to an existing test run.
  2. Expand test case within the test run.
  3. Click "Create Bug in Shortcut".

        4.  Complete the Shortcut submission form and click "Create Shortcut Story".


    5.  That's it! Your Shortcut Story is now created and linked to the test run and test case in QADeputy.

View Shortcut Stories

Once you have created a Shortcut Story you can then view a list of those Stories along with the status of the Story in Shortcut.

  1. Navigate to an existing test run.
  2. Click the utility cog in the upper right hand corner and select "View Shortcut Stories".

Additionally, you may view the Defect History by clicking the "View History" button in a test case. The defects tab in this modal displays all defects that have been logged against the test case.