The Report Builder allows QADeputy users to create their own custom reports based on Test Cases, Defects, Test Runs, Users, and Audit events. Additionally, the Report Builder allows users to specify how they want their reports filtered, sorted and grouped. Lastly, the QADeputy Report Builder allows for report scheduling so that users may automatically receive reports in their inbox at the day/time they desire.

To Create a Custom Report

1: Click Create Custom Report

2:  Select Reporting Template

A reporting template is the type of data you want to create the custom report for.

3: Name Report and Select Columns

Specify the Name, Description, and Fields to Display.

4: Apply Filters

Apply optional filters to the report data.

5: Group and Limit

Optionally group and limit report data.

5: Schedule Report

Optionally schedule the report to be automatically emailed.

6: Add Custom Report

Click Add to save the custom report.